
The recent documents feature in Office is really useful, but I moved a file to a new directory and now I can't get Excel to stop hitting me with a "can't find this file" notification whenever I open a workbook. The Excel options seem only to control how many of these "recent documents" are displayed and not how many are actually saved. So I;'m wondering if there's a way in VBA to get at the list and remove the offending file.


6 Answers


Try this...

Public Function TestIt()
    For i = 1 To Application.RecentFiles.Count - 1
        Dim answer As String
        answer = MsgBox("Delete " & Application.RecentFiles(i).Name, vbYesNo)

        If answer = vbYes Then
            answer = MsgBox("Are you sure?", vbYesNo)
            If answer = vbYes Then
            End If
        End If
    Next i
End Function

Not a VBA solution, but open up Regedit and you can remove files from the list at will.

The "File MRU" list is what you're after; for Excel 2007 it's under

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Excel\File MRU

Adjust the version number accordingly.

Close Excel, delete the offending file's entry from the list found there, and restart.


Facing the same issue I wrote this litte macro, removing all files from the recent file list, which are not accessible:

Public Function CheckRecentFiles() As Integer
    Dim i As Integer, c As Integer
    For i = Application.RecentFiles.count To 1 Step -1
        'Debug.Print Application.RecentFiles(i).name
        If Dir(Application.RecentFiles(i).name) = "" Then
            Debug.Print "Delete from recent file list: " & Application.RecentFiles(i).name
            c = c + 1
        End If
    Next i
    Debug.Print c & " files removed."
    CheckRecentFiles = c
End Function

Try the routine above not as function but as SUB. And in the second line remove "-1" at its end, because the last entry will not be handled else.

Then the routine will work properly.


Based on @GunnarBernsteinI 's answer,I just added this to my Personal Macro Book. This is going to be super handy to clean up the temp files that I create to answer questions on SO.

Public Sub CleanRecentFiles()
    Const ReviewEntry As Boolean = False
    Dim f As RecentFile
    For Each f In Application.RecentFiles
        If Len(Dir(f.Name)) = 0 Then
        ElseIf ReviewEntry Then
            Debug.Print f.Name
        End If
End Sub


enter image description here


Open the Recent Workbooks List. Right click quickly and firmly between the icon and text for the document you wish to remove from the list. A dropdown list appears. It is the list which allows you to pin an item to the list. Choose Remove from List. It does work but it can be a bit tricky to time it correctly. If you are too slow it will just try to open the file.