
I've been trying to get to grips with zend framework and a bit of php and am having problems with (I think) some sort of path setting.

Basically I'm having some problems with getting a simple page to work.

I have a standard directory structure from the zend quickstart sample. It has the structure:



When I create the following "hello.php" file in the public directory, I get an error from "require-once"

Warning: require_once(/../application/Zend/Rest/Server.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/bestpubi/public_html/svc/public/hello.php on line 2 Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/../application/Zend/Rest/Server.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/bestpubi/public_html/svc/public/hello.php on line 2

My hello.php file looks like this:

require_once '../application/Zend/Rest/Server.php';
* Say Hello
function sayHello()
return 'finally';
$server = new Zend_Rest_Server();

I could really do with some help as this is driving me a bit mad, and I'm sure it's something silly.

Are you using Windows or a Unix-inspired OS?Eugen Rieck

4 Answers


You are requesting the required library file as follows.

require_once '../application/Zend/Rest/Server.php';

The error message indicates that, there is no such file in the path specified.

Usuallay zend framework contains it 'Zend' library inside /library directory. If you have the Zend directory in your downloaded ZendFramework files, copy it to /library directory. So that the Zend directory structure would be as follows


This is a simple way to get started. Once you are familiar with the environment, try to use include path in your setting.



$new_include_path = "/home/www/app/library/";
set_include_path ( get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $new_include_path); )

to define the include path of your ZF library. Put this on the top of your page, before Including any ZF file.

Edit: I assumed you are on linux, if you are on windows, change path accourdingly

$new_include_path = "c:\\www\\app\\library";

Looking at your website it seems the index.php from /public works fine. So I would suggest copy pasting the code that's in there to set paths for zf into hello.php and it should work.


First thing is create your files in application folder.

And If You are using Linux follow the steps,

To use Zend library you can create a short cut to zend library from your library. From terminal go to your 'library' directory run the command

ln -s 'path to your zend library'

It will create a shortcut.