I use symfony 1.4.15 with doctrine. I have module and there are two i18n field. So in my form class I make:
$this->languages = sfConfig::get('app_cultures_enabled');
$langs = array_keys($this->languages);
foreach($this->languages as $lang => $label)
$this->widgetSchema[$lang]['name'] = new sfWidgetFormTextarea(array(), array('cols'=>40,'rows'=>2));
$this->widgetSchema[$lang]['description'] = new sfWidgetFormTextarea(array(), array('cols'=>80,'rows'=>5));
And it is work perfect! But I have many fields in my form, so I need to make some "groups" in my form. So I make next in my generator.yml:
Main info:[active,position,сoverage_id,basis_id,durability_id,comfort_id,weight_coating,thickness_coating,height_of_pile,segment_id,width_rolls_one,width_rolls_two,width_rolls_three,standart_width_rolls,max_width_rolls,min_width_rolls]
Price: [price,margin_on_roll,margin_on_cutting,special_discount,discount_for_residues]
Market: [certificate]
And I can not display two i18n field "name" and "description". I try Market: [name_i18n] and name_i18n_uk and many other. So is is to possible to make?If not are there other way to group filed in form?
Thank you!