
I am creating a report that has a subreport with ireport. The data source for both is java beans. The problem is that when I create the data source expression for the subreport, I will use:

new JRBeanCollectionDataSource($F{actions})

which is found on many docs.

When I compile I get:

JRBeanCollectionDataSource cannot be resolved to a type

I don't get it, it's a JasperReports class... how can it be missing. I even controlled the settings and the Jar with the class is in the classpath.

What could be the reason?

What type have this field (actions)? What happened if you are compiling reports (master and subreport) with help of iReport?Alex K

2 Answers


Use data source as in jrxml.

<dataSourceExpression><![CDATA[new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource($F{actions})]]></dataSourceExpression>

[SOLVED]here i have a similar situation, for the subreports at main report, that kind of conection works fine, but when i use the same "Data Source Expression" for the subreport of any subreport, i got that error:

JRBeanCollectionDataSource cannot be resolved to a type                 value = (net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource)(new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(((java.util.List)field_graficoXY.getValue()))); //$JR_EXPR_ID=135$

You haven't got any solution yet?

  |----subreport (ok)
  |               |---subreport (error)
  |----subreport (ok)