The className has to come back in the JSON, so you will need a proxy PHP/ASHX that you will call, pass parameters to it, that it will call the Google Cal, transfomr it and return something like this..
[{"title":"News that will blow you away!","url":"news.aspx?i=1657","start":"2011-11-22T00:01:00","end":"2011-11-22T23:59:00","color":"rgb(232,157,0)","className":"data-newsevent clickable","newsEvent":"True","EventName":null,"description":null,"EventCompTypeMSP":null}]
- Proxy-Req: your request to the proxy
- Proxy-Res: response from your proxy to you
Notice color, you can use that to define the colour of the event directly.
Notice my classNames data-newsevent and click able, i used those with jQuery to do certain special click events- they don't actually contain any colour styles, but you can do it, you might have to use !important because fullCaldner applies a default colour.
I first load the page with empty feed, then request the feed using client side, it seems more dynamic, using cache it can be quick enough if they navigate allot.