x :: Integer -> [a] -> [a]
x = take
y :: Integer -> [a] -> [a]
y _ [] = []
y n xs = take n xs
both Hugs and GHC report type errors:
ERROR "test.hs":5 - Type error in application
*** Expression : take n xs
*** Term : n
*** Type : Integer
*** Does not match : Int
ERROR "test.hs":8 - Type error in explicitly typed binding
*** Term : x
*** Type : Int -> [a] -> [a]
*** Does not match : Integer -> [a] -> [a]
This is due to the fact that "take" has the signature "Int -> ...". Is there a way to tell the type system to either convert Integer to Int directly (without fromIntegral), or preferably (to keep the non-constrained size of Integer) to "construct" a version of take (or any other function explicitly using Int) for Integer? Or do I have to write my own versions of Prelude-Functions? Currently, my code is either littered with fromIntegral (and doesn't run if the Integer size exceeds the dimensions of Int) or with trivial re-implementations of standard functions, and that feels very clunky.