I have an immutable Set of a class, Set[MyClass], and I want to use the Set methods intersect and diff, but I want them to test for equality using my custom equals method, rather than default object equality test
I have tried overriding the == operator, but it isn't being used.
Thanks in advance.
The intersect method is a concrete value member of GenSetLike
spec: http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/scala/collection/GenSetLike.html src: https://lampsvn.epfl.ch/trac/scala/browser/scala/tags/R_2_9_1_final/src//library/scala/collection/GenSetLike.scala#L1
def intersect(that: GenSet[A]): Repr = this filter that
so the intersection is done using the filter method.
Yet another Edit:
filter is defined in TraversableLike
spec: http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/scala/collection/TraversableLike.html
def filter(p: A => Boolean): Repr = {
val b = newBuilder
for (x <- this)
if (p(x)) b += x
What's unclear to me is what it uses when invoked without a predicate, p. That's not an implicit parameter.