
I'm trying to run the same job multiple times with different parameters via a parent job. However, only the first of the triggered jobs runs.

The parent job has the checkbox "Trigger parameterized build on other projects" checked, and there are two triggers created, each with a different parameter value for a parameter x on the downstream job. Job 1 has x=1, Job 2 has x=2. Only job 1 is run!?

What am I missing?

Are you running newer Jenkins/plugin versions than mentioned here? issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-8985Christopher Orr
Running the latest version of the plugin, we're running Hudson ver. 2.0.1. Perhaps the plugin works, but the Hudson core not so much?nflacco
Updated Hudson to 2.1.1 and the plugin to 2.4. Doesn't work :(nflacco
From a quick check, it appears that this bug was only reported to and fixed in Jenkins core and the plugin, not in Hudson. Fortunately, upgrading to Jenkins is seamless, and recommended by StackOverflow users ;) stackoverflow.com/q/4973981Christopher Orr
looks like you are right, I installed jenkins and it works fine. the guys running hudson don't want to upgrade and say jenkins is a dead codebase :(nflacco

1 Answers


This is a bug in Hudson.

It was reported to Jenkins and fixed there, both in the core and this particular plugin several months ago.

See also the Jenkins vs Hudson discussion on StackOverflow for further reasons to upgrade to Jenkins.