
i have a Flash CS 5.5 fla with a basic timeline animation. at the very last frame i put a keyframe with the only code being


nevertheless this movieclip doesnt stop at the end but loops infinitely.

the movie is exported as an SWC which is then loaded into another flash movie. however this does not call any functions in the movie nor does it interact with it, other than embedding it.

i have already tested this with the debug version of flashplayer to see if there are any exceptions, but no errors occur.

the SWC is then compiled with additional AS3 code into an SWF. the SWC basically contains a collection of movieclips, including the one that is not stopping correctly.clamp

3 Answers


How are you instantiating the MovieClip? If you are using the [Embed(src...)] method I think all of your scripts will be removed. Same with embedded SWFs. Add the SWC to the build path instead.


    import flash.display.Sprite;

    import hud.HealthBar;

    public class TestSWCLibrary extends Sprite
        public function TestSWCLibrary()
            var health : HealthBar = new HealthBar();

The stop(); is correct;

my guess is that you have made some mistake, for example, do you have put the stop() on the MAIN timeline and not on a MovieClip?

The output windows shows any compilation errors?


Sounds like some script is causing havoc before the stop(); is reached. Flash Player has a tendency to silently fail on some code while keep playing a timeline as if nothing happened.

One way to debug this and to find out where on your timeline the error occurs is to add additional temporary stop(); command s to your timeline. By working backwards you should be able to pinpoint on which frame the Flash Player goes into "blind" mode.