This is a near foolproof way I have found that works for controlling the execution order of independent agents. I use a real notes document as a psuedo-lock document.
The way I have done this before is to keep a Notes document that represents a "lock". Don't use a database profile document as it's prone to replication/save conflict issues and you can't view it in a view.
The "lock" document can have a flag on it which tells the java agent whether it is allowed to run now. The java agent simply has code in it similar to this
Session s = NotesFactory.createSession();
Database db = s.getDatabase("This Server", "This database");
View vw = db.getView("(lockView)");
Document docControl = vw.getFirstDocument();
String sRunStatus = docControl.getItemValueString("runStatus");
boolean bContinue = false;
if (sRunStatus =="Go"){
bContinue = true;
//do agent code here....
// reset the status to "wait". The lotusscript agent should then set it to "Go"
// the other agent will execute on "wait" and then update the status to "Go" on
// completion to prevent simulatenous execution. Can also use different state names
// instead of go/wait, like run0, run1, run2 etc
docControl.replaceItemValue("runStatus", "wait");;
Note that you use the agents to set "Go"/"wait" values in the "runStatus" field on a control document. You only need 1 document so you then only need to get the first document out of the view.
The equivalent logic should be even simpler to add in the LotusScript agent as well. The only downside I can find is that the java agent may not execute the code because the control document is not yet set to "go" and the "IF" test fails without running the logic, so it's not a pause as such, but prevents the Java agent from executing out of it's desired order with the lotusscript agent. But it would then fire on the next scheduled instance if the LotusScript agent has released it.
You can also extend this idea to manage a suite of agents and even chain multiple agents as well by using specific values like "RunAgent1", "RunAgent2", another benefit is that you can also capture execution start times, errors as well, or anything you require....