
I have a private key file (PEM BASE64 encoded). I want to use it else where to decrypt some other data.Using Java i tried to read the file and decode the BASE64 encoded data in it... This is the code snippet which i tried....

import java.io.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.security.*;
import java.security.spec.PKCS8EncodedKeySpec;
import com.ibm.crypto.fips.provider.RSAPrivateKey;
import com.ibm.misc.BASE64Decoder;

public class GetPrivateKey {
    public static RSAPrivateKey get() throws Exception {
        File privateKeyFile = new File("privatekey.key");
        byte[] encodedKey = new byte[(int) privateKeyFile.length()];
        new FileInputStream(privateKeyFile).read(encodedKey);
        ByteBuffer keyBytes = new BASE64Decoder().decodeBufferToByteBuffer(encodedKey.toString());
        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec privateKeySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(keyBytes.array());
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA", "IBMJCEFIPS");
        RSAPrivateKey pk = (RSAPrivateKey) kf.generatePrivate(privateKeySpec);
        return pk;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        PrivateKey privKey = FormatMePlease.get();


I am getting the following errors

Exception in thread "main" java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException: Inappropriate key specification: DerInputStream.getLength(): lengthTag=127, too big.
at com.ibm.crypto.fips.provider.RSAKeyFactory.b(Unknown Source)
at com.ibm.crypto.fips.provider.RSAKeyFactory.engineGeneratePrivate(Unknown Source)
at java.security.KeyFactory.generatePrivate(Unknown Source)
at GetPrivateKey.get(GetPrivateKey.java:24)
at GetPrivateKey.main(GetPrivateKey.java:29)

The contents of the file "privatekey.key"


Similar questions have been posted here, but those were of no avail for me. Almost all of them suggested using Bouncycastle provider which am not willing to use as am supposed to use a provider which is FIPS compliant and am not sure if BC provider is FIPS compliant.

A help in gettin me out of this would be highly appreciated... Thanks in advance.

1)Where is the code snippet?2)Why not use Bouncy Castle?Cratylus
@user384706 I'm not sure if Bouncycastle is fips compliant.so am using IBMJCEFIPS provider.v3nM
The BC provider is not FIPS compliant. What is the first line of your PEM file, the line that starts "-----BEGIN"?President James K. Polk
@GregS The first line of the private.key file is -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----v3nM
@Greg,Not to worry that key is just for testing :Dv3nM

7 Answers


You've just published that private key, so now the whole world knows what it is. Hopefully that was just for testing.

EDIT: Others have noted that the openssl text header of the published key, -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----, indicates that it is PKCS#1. However, the actual Base64 contents of the key in question is PKCS#8. Evidently the OP copy and pasted the header and trailer of a PKCS#1 key onto the PKCS#8 key for some unknown reason. The sample code I've provided below works with PKCS#8 private keys.

Here is some code that will create the private key from that data. You'll have to replace the Base64 decoding with your IBM Base64 decoder.

public class RSAToy {

    private static final String BEGIN_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
            + "MIIEuwIBADAN ...skipped the rest\n"
         // + ...   
         // + ... skipped the rest
         // + ...   
            + "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        // Remove the first and last lines

        String privKeyPEM = BEGIN_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY.replace("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "");
        privKeyPEM = privKeyPEM.replace("-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", "");

        // Base64 decode the data

        byte [] encoded = Base64.decode(privKeyPEM);

        // PKCS8 decode the encoded RSA private key

        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(encoded);
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
        PrivateKey privKey = kf.generatePrivate(keySpec);

        // Display the results


This is PKCS#1 format of a private key. Try this code. It doesn't use Bouncy Castle or other third-party crypto providers. Just java.security and sun.security for DER sequece parsing. Also it supports parsing of a private key in PKCS#8 format (PEM file that has a header "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----").

import sun.security.util.DerInputStream;
import sun.security.util.DerValue;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.security.KeyFactory;
import java.security.PrivateKey;
import java.security.spec.PKCS8EncodedKeySpec;
import java.security.spec.RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec;
import java.util.Base64;

public static PrivateKey pemFileLoadPrivateKeyPkcs1OrPkcs8Encoded(File pemFileName) throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
        // PKCS#8 format
        final String PEM_PRIVATE_START = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----";
        final String PEM_PRIVATE_END = "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----";

        // PKCS#1 format
        final String PEM_RSA_PRIVATE_START = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
        final String PEM_RSA_PRIVATE_END = "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";

        Path path = Paths.get(pemFileName.getAbsolutePath());

        String privateKeyPem = new String(Files.readAllBytes(path));

        if (privateKeyPem.indexOf(PEM_PRIVATE_START) != -1) { // PKCS#8 format
            privateKeyPem = privateKeyPem.replace(PEM_PRIVATE_START, "").replace(PEM_PRIVATE_END, "");
            privateKeyPem = privateKeyPem.replaceAll("\\s", "");

            byte[] pkcs8EncodedKey = Base64.getDecoder().decode(privateKeyPem);

            KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
            return factory.generatePrivate(new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(pkcs8EncodedKey));

        } else if (privateKeyPem.indexOf(PEM_RSA_PRIVATE_START) != -1) {  // PKCS#1 format

            privateKeyPem = privateKeyPem.replace(PEM_RSA_PRIVATE_START, "").replace(PEM_RSA_PRIVATE_END, "");
            privateKeyPem = privateKeyPem.replaceAll("\\s", "");

            DerInputStream derReader = new DerInputStream(Base64.getDecoder().decode(privateKeyPem));

            DerValue[] seq = derReader.getSequence(0);

            if (seq.length < 9) {
                throw new GeneralSecurityException("Could not parse a PKCS1 private key.");

            // skip version seq[0];
            BigInteger modulus = seq[1].getBigInteger();
            BigInteger publicExp = seq[2].getBigInteger();
            BigInteger privateExp = seq[3].getBigInteger();
            BigInteger prime1 = seq[4].getBigInteger();
            BigInteger prime2 = seq[5].getBigInteger();
            BigInteger exp1 = seq[6].getBigInteger();
            BigInteger exp2 = seq[7].getBigInteger();
            BigInteger crtCoef = seq[8].getBigInteger();

            RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec keySpec = new RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec(modulus, publicExp, privateExp, prime1, prime2, exp1, exp2, crtCoef);

            KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");

            return factory.generatePrivate(keySpec);

        throw new GeneralSecurityException("Not supported format of a private key");

You will find below some code for reading unencrypted RSA keys encoded in the following formats:

  • PKCS#8 PEM (-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----)
  • PKCS#8 DER (binary)

It works with Java 7+ (and after 9) and doesn't use third-party libraries (like BouncyCastle) or internal Java APIs (like DerInputStream or DerValue).

private static final String PKCS_1_PEM_HEADER = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
private static final String PKCS_1_PEM_FOOTER = "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
private static final String PKCS_8_PEM_HEADER = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----";
private static final String PKCS_8_PEM_FOOTER = "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----";

public static PrivateKey loadKey(String keyFilePath) throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
    byte[] keyDataBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(keyFilePath));
    String keyDataString = new String(keyDataBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

    if (keyDataString.contains(PKCS_1_PEM_HEADER)) {
        // OpenSSL / PKCS#1 Base64 PEM encoded file
        keyDataString = keyDataString.replace(PKCS_1_PEM_HEADER, "");
        keyDataString = keyDataString.replace(PKCS_1_PEM_FOOTER, "");
        return readPkcs1PrivateKey(Base64.decodeBase64(keyDataString));

    if (keyDataString.contains(PKCS_8_PEM_HEADER)) {
        // PKCS#8 Base64 PEM encoded file
        keyDataString = keyDataString.replace(PKCS_8_PEM_HEADER, "");
        keyDataString = keyDataString.replace(PKCS_8_PEM_FOOTER, "");
        return readPkcs8PrivateKey(Base64.decodeBase64(keyDataString));

    // We assume it's a PKCS#8 DER encoded binary file
    return readPkcs8PrivateKey(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(keyFilePath)));

private static PrivateKey readPkcs8PrivateKey(byte[] pkcs8Bytes) throws GeneralSecurityException {
    KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA", "SunRsaSign");
    PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(pkcs8Bytes);
    try {
        return keyFactory.generatePrivate(keySpec);
    } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected key format!", e);

private static PrivateKey readPkcs1PrivateKey(byte[] pkcs1Bytes) throws GeneralSecurityException {
    // We can't use Java internal APIs to parse ASN.1 structures, so we build a PKCS#8 key Java can understand
    int pkcs1Length = pkcs1Bytes.length;
    int totalLength = pkcs1Length + 22;
    byte[] pkcs8Header = new byte[] {
            0x30, (byte) 0x82, (byte) ((totalLength >> 8) & 0xff), (byte) (totalLength & 0xff), // Sequence + total length
            0x2, 0x1, 0x0, // Integer (0)
            0x30, 0xD, 0x6, 0x9, 0x2A, (byte) 0x86, 0x48, (byte) 0x86, (byte) 0xF7, 0xD, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x5, 0x0, // Sequence: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1, NULL
            0x4, (byte) 0x82, (byte) ((pkcs1Length >> 8) & 0xff), (byte) (pkcs1Length & 0xff) // Octet string + length
    byte[] pkcs8bytes = join(pkcs8Header, pkcs1Bytes);
    return readPkcs8PrivateKey(pkcs8bytes);

private static byte[] join(byte[] byteArray1, byte[] byteArray2){
    byte[] bytes = new byte[byteArray1.length + byteArray2.length];
    System.arraycopy(byteArray1, 0, bytes, 0, byteArray1.length);
    System.arraycopy(byteArray2, 0, bytes, byteArray1.length, byteArray2.length);
    return bytes;

Source: https://github.com/Mastercard/client-encryption-java/blob/master/src/main/java/com/mastercard/developer/utils/EncryptionUtils.java


The problem you'll face is that there's two types of PEM formatted keys: PKCS8 and SSLeay. It doesn't help that OpenSSL seems to use both depending on the command:

The usual openssl genrsa command will generate a SSLeay format PEM. An export from an PKCS12 file with openssl pkcs12 -in file.p12 will create a PKCS8 file.

The latter PKCS8 format can be opened natively in Java using PKCS8EncodedKeySpec. SSLeay formatted keys, on the other hand, can not be opened natively.

To open SSLeay private keys, you can either use BouncyCastle provider as many have done before or Not-Yet-Commons-SSL have borrowed a minimal amount of necessary code from BouncyCastle to support parsing PKCS8 and SSLeay keys in PEM and DER format: http://juliusdavies.ca/commons-ssl/pkcs8.html. (I'm not sure if Not-Yet-Commons-SSL will be FIPS compliant)

Key Format Identification

By inference from the OpenSSL man pages, key headers for two formats are as follows:

PKCS8 Format

Non-encrypted: -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----

SSLeay Format


(These seem to be in contradiction to other answers but I've tested OpenSSL's output using PKCS8EncodedKeySpec. Only PKCS8 keys, showing ----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- work natively)


Parsing PKCS1 (only PKCS8 format works out of the box on Android) key turned out to be a tedious task on Android because of the lack of ASN1 suport, yet solvable if you include Spongy castle jar to read DER Integers.

String privKeyPEM = key.replace(
"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "")
    .replace("-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", "");

// Base64 decode the data

byte[] encodedPrivateKey = Base64.decode(privKeyPEM, Base64.DEFAULT);

try {
    ASN1Sequence primitive = (ASN1Sequence) ASN1Sequence
    Enumeration<?> e = primitive.getObjects();
    BigInteger v = ((DERInteger) e.nextElement()).getValue();

    int version = v.intValue();
    if (version != 0 && version != 1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong version for RSA private key");
     * In fact only modulus and private exponent are in use.
    BigInteger modulus = ((DERInteger) e.nextElement()).getValue();
    BigInteger publicExponent = ((DERInteger) e.nextElement()).getValue();
    BigInteger privateExponent = ((DERInteger) e.nextElement()).getValue();
    BigInteger prime1 = ((DERInteger) e.nextElement()).getValue();
    BigInteger prime2 = ((DERInteger) e.nextElement()).getValue();
    BigInteger exponent1 = ((DERInteger) e.nextElement()).getValue();
    BigInteger exponent2 = ((DERInteger) e.nextElement()).getValue();
    BigInteger coefficient = ((DERInteger) e.nextElement()).getValue();

    RSAPrivateKeySpec spec = new RSAPrivateKeySpec(modulus, privateExponent);
    KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
    PrivateKey pk = kf.generatePrivate(spec);
} catch (IOException e2) {
    throw new IllegalStateException();
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
    throw new IllegalStateException(e);

As others have responded, the key you are trying to parse doesn't have the proper PKCS#8 headers which Oracle's PKCS8EncodedKeySpec needs to understand it. If you don't want to convert the key using openssl pkcs8 or parse it using JDK internal APIs you can prepend the PKCS#8 header like this:

static final Base64.Decoder DECODER = Base64.getMimeDecoder();

private static byte[] buildPKCS8Key(File privateKey) throws IOException {
  final String s = new String(Files.readAllBytes(privateKey.toPath()));
  if (s.contains("--BEGIN PRIVATE KEY--")) {
    return DECODER.decode(s.replaceAll("-----\\w+ PRIVATE KEY-----", ""));
  if (!s.contains("--BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY--")) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Invalid cert format: "+ s);

  final byte[] innerKey = DECODER.decode(s.replaceAll("-----\\w+ RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", ""));
  final byte[] result = new byte[innerKey.length + 26];
  System.arraycopy(DECODER.decode("MIIEvAIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKY="), 0, result, 0, 26);
  System.arraycopy(BigInteger.valueOf(result.length - 4).toByteArray(), 0, result, 2, 2);
  System.arraycopy(BigInteger.valueOf(innerKey.length).toByteArray(), 0, result, 24, 2);
  System.arraycopy(innerKey, 0, result, 26, innerKey.length);
  return result;

Once that method is in place you can feed it's output to the PKCS8EncodedKeySpec constructor like this: new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(buildPKCS8Key(privateKey));


Make sure your id_rsa file doesn't have any extension like .txt or .rtf. Rich Text Format adds additional characters to your file and those gets added to byte array. Which eventually causes invalid private key error. Long story short, Copy the file, not content.