
I try to open a file which I can get its information by ls -l in terminal or glob.glob(path) in python, but I can not open() it or np.load() it. Here are the command,

open(path, 'r')

and here are the outputs,

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>>> path = '/data00/home/zhangbowen.17/code/text_rec/dataset/BigAndSmallDataset/cut_100_big_user_video_500_mine_precomp/train_cnn_fea.npy'
>>> import glob
>>> glob.glob(path)
>>> open(path, 'r')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/data00/home/zhangbowen.17/code/text_rec/dataset/BigAndSmallDataset/cut_100_big_user_video_500_mine_precomp/train_cnn_fea.npy'

By the way, np.load() has the same result. However, I can get the information by ls -l in terminal.

What does glob() give you if you specify a filename that doesn't exist? The thing I'm wondering is what it does when it gets a pattern that doesn't resolve to anything. Also, the docs contain a note about broken symlinks, which could be a cause.Ulrich Eckhardt
it will return []. For example, if I input 'glob.glob(path+'a')', it outputs '[]'. And I don't quite understand broken symlinks in this question, would you please explain it in more detail?zhangbw
What does ls -l shows for this file? Maybe it's a broken symlink?Alex
ls -l shows lrwxrwxrwx 1 zhangbowen.17 zhangbowen.17 52 Dec 1 2020 /data00/home/zhangbowen.17/code/text_rec/dataset/BigAndSmallDataset/cut_100_big_user_video_500_mine_precomp/train_cnn_fea.npy -> ../../dataset_list/cut100_big_user_train_res_fea.npyzhangbw
So, does the target of the symlink exist? Can you cat it?Alex