
bash script sample attached below, for the option "--cwp" in the function "mri-glmfit-sim", it should have a magenta color instead of blue, so how do I modify the script accordingly?


setenv study $argv[1]

foreach meas (thickness area)
  foreach hemi (lh rh)
    foreach dir ({$hemi}.{$meas}-rate.{$study}.glmdir)
     mri_glmfit-sim \
      --glmdir {$dir} \
      --perm 1000 1.3 abs \ 
      --cwp 0.05 \      # should in magenta color as other --options but shows blue
What actual colors the ANSI palette maps to is up to your terminal's configuration. Bash doesn't directly control them.Charles Duffy
Also, tcsh is not bash -- it's not even anything like bash; it's from a completely incompatible family of shells (that has, for very good reasons, been mostly assigned to the dustbin of history).Charles Duffy
(also, nothing in this script is doing anything that looks like making any attempt to send terminal control sequences that would change the syntax highlighting; if that highlighting is being done by something like an editor or IDE, you should be asking about that editor).Charles Duffy