With Ada 2022, Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers
can be enabled by setting -gnatwi
somewhere according to the error I get in GPS Community Edition 2021.
warning: "Ada.Numerics.Big_Numbers" is an Ada 2022 unit [-gnatwi]
I assume the flag must be set for the compiler so I modified the Compiler
package in my gpr-file like so:
package Compiler is
for Default_Switches ("Ada") use
Compile_Checks_Switches &
Build_Switches &
Runtime_Checks_Switches &
Style_Checks_Switches &
Contracts_Switches &
("-gnatw.X", -- Disable warnings for No_Exception_Propagation
"-gnatQ", -- Don't quit. Generate ALI and tree files even if illegalities
"-gnatwi"); -- Big_Numbers
end Compiler;
Note the -gnatwi
flag at the end.
But GPS still complains wenn I try "Build->Check Semantic" on a file where with Ada.Numerics.Big_Numers
is set.
Restarting GPS also did not help.