
To understand Shiny I am trying to create an app that could let the user select several of the categories of var_1 (see input below) in one select menu and then show only the available options within those categories in a second select menu. The output should show var_1 selection in the first column, var_2 on the second column, and var_3 should be shown as columns (I have used pivot_wider for this) and if the element in var_3 is present on the selection or not ("yes" or "no"). Maybe by looking at my input and output tables, I am able to explain my objective in a better way:

input(tf in the code below)

var_1 var_2 var_3
red table1 column1
red table1 column1
red table1 column1
blue table2 column2
blue table2 column2
blue table2 column2
green table3 column3
green table3 column3
green table3 column3


var_1 var_2 column1 column2 column3
red table1 Yes No No
red table1 Yes No No
red table1 Yes No No
blue table2 No Yes No
blue table2 No Yes No
blue table2 No Yes No
green table3 No No Yes
green table3 No No Yes
green table3 No No Yes

Here is the code I have used to try to build the app but I keep getting errors I will show below the code:



  ui = pageWithSidebar(
    headerPanel("Conditional Filters"),
        id = "my-filters",
        inline = FALSE,
        params = list(
          var_one = list(inputId = "var_1", title = "Select variable 1", placeholder = 'select'),
          var_two = list(inputId = "var_2", title = "Select variable 2", placeholder = 'select')
  server = function(input, output, session) {
    res_mod <- callModule(
      module = selectizeGroupServer,
      id = "my-filters",
      data = tf,
      vars = c("var_1", "var_2")
    output$table <- renderTable({
        dplyr::mutate(n = "Yes")%>%
        tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = var_3, values_from = n, values_fill = list(n = "No"))
  options = list(height = 500)

These are the errors and warnings I am getting right now:

Warning: Values are not uniquely identified; output will contain list-cols.

  • Use values_fn = list to suppress this warning.
  • Use values_fn = length to identify where the duplicates arise
  • Use values_fn = {summary_fun} to summarise duplicates

Warning: Error in: Can't convert character to list.

Thanks for any suggestions you could give me.