
Two particular aspects of the UI in Power Automate are killing me during the development process:

(1) After 90-95% of the expressions that I enter the UI immediately gives me the error "The Expression is Invalid". I click OK (or press space) to confirm the error and immediately click OK again on the expression (NO CHANGES!) and on the 2nd attempt the same (!) expression is accepted.

(2) When I need to make a change to an expression that I have previous entered I click on the expression and it pops up in the expression editor. I make my change and press "Update". Depending on the day, 50-90% of the time my change LOOKS LIKE it has been accepted (no error is reported or anything) but when I look at the expression there was NO CHANGE. It's gotten to the point that instead of even trying the update button I automatically copy my changes into the clipboard, delete the expression entirely from the action side of things, and then go back and paste the expression in as a new expression (and then, of course, go through the double confirmation process from (1) above. At least this way I don't constantly find myself second-guessing whether the change was accepted or, worse, not second-guessing and only finding that it wasn't accepted when I have re-run my test without actually making any change.

Is there something I can do to avoid these 2 issues? Is it something specific to my system or is this a problem whenever development occurs in Power Automate? Any hints on reducing these frustrations?

In case my explanation is unclear, here is a 2-minute video demonstrating the problem.