
i've the following Problem. I have a List 'A' lets call it "assumptions" and with the predicate ass(A,P) I want to check, if all of this assumptions does occure in some form in the variable Proof.

For example, if I call:

?- ass([a, b], [[[1], 1, a, 'A', ''], [[2], 2, a->b, 'A',''], [[3], 3, b, 'A', '']]).

it should give the value true, cause [[1], 1, a, 'A', ''] and [[3], 3, b, 'A', '']] are the elements in P assigned to 'a' and 'b' in the list A.

?- ass([a,b],P).

e.g. should deliver P=[[[1], 1, a, 'A', ''], [[2], 2, b, 'A','']]

I've tried to solve it with the following code:

do_list(N, L):- 
  findall(Num, between(1, N, Num), L).
succ(A, P, I) :- [[I], I, A, 'A', ''] == P.
ass(A, P) :- length(A, L1), length(P,L2), L3 is max(L1,L2), do_list(L3, I), maplist(succ, A, P, I).

my problem now is, that maplist tries to check every pair of [A,P,I] and if it founds some, where succ(A,P,I) is false ass(A,P) is false, too.

Now I've two questions:

  1. Is their a way to solve my problem?
  2. Is their a way to fix the parameters P and I in the predicate succ(A,P,I), so it would be possible e.g. to membercheck simply if [[I1],I1,a,'A',''] e.g. is a member of my List P for some I1 in I.

Thanks for the help, Martin

Why it is not sufficient to check wheter the element is present in one of the sublists?damianodamiano
Do you mean something like: ass(A,P) :- member(X1,A), member([[I], I, X1, 'A', ''],P). The Problem is, that ?- ass([a, b],P) gives an infinite List for P with elements e.g. [[_1396], _1396, a, 'A', '']. My wish is a list of two elements of form [[_1396], _1396, a, 'A', ''], [[_1397], _1397, b, 'A', ''].Martin Kunze

1 Answers


Very simply you can write:


?- ass([a, b], [[[1], 1, a, 'A', ''], [[2], 2, a->b, 'A',''], [[3], 3, b, 'A', '']],L).
L = [[[1], 1, a, 'A', ''], [[3], 3, b, 'A', '']]