I want to apply a pixel shader onto my background sprite, to create some sort of lighting. So i draw a Render Target with the light on it and want to merge it onto the background via the Pixel shader. This is the essential code:
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend);
spriteBatch.Draw(hexBack, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White);
In this case, hexBack is the Rendertarget with a simple sprite drawn in it and lightingMask is the rendertarget with the light texture in it. Both are Backbuffer width and height.
So when i try to run the program, it crashes with: XNA Framework Reach profile requires TextureAddressMode to be Clamp when using texture sizes that are not powers of two.
So i tried to set up clamping, but i cant find a way to get it working.
The shader code:
texture lightMask;
sampler mainSampler : register(s0);
sampler lightSampler = sampler_state{Texture = lightMask;};
struct PixelShaderInput
float4 TextureCoords: TEXCOORD0;
float4 PixelShaderFunction(PixelShaderInput input) : COLOR0
float2 texCoord = input.TextureCoords;
float4 mainColor = tex2D(mainSampler, texCoord);
float4 lightColor = tex2D(lightSampler, texCoord);
return mainColor * lightColor;
technique Technique1
pass Pass1
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PixelShaderFunction();
Thanks for your help!
by default. So you must be setting it toLinearWrap
or similar somewhere else in your code? – Andrew Russell