I've created several tables in the same sheet, each table assigning it to a month, plus there are two icons (two shapes) to navigate to the next or previous month. What I need is to cycle through the months using the two icons (next/previous month). For example, if the user needs January, the columns (B:AD) will be shown and the reset will be hidden, so on with the other months.
Columns to be shown: January (B:AD) February(AF:BH) March(BJ:CL) April(CN:DP) May(DR:ET) June(EV:FX) July(FZ:HB) August(HD:IF) September(IH:JJ) October(JL:KN) November(KP:LR) December(LT:MV)
Here is the link to my excel: https://1drv.ms/x/s!Av2jQlwHZCT3gjeo3q_Po99tvoSr?e=SuMvis