I have a :belongs_to association defined on model Brand as follows:
belongs_to :loyalty_coupon, :class_name => Coupon, :foreign_key => :loyalty_coupon_id
(There is also a :has_many relationship from Brand to Coupon, but the :belongs_to relationship is intended to single out one particular coupon for special attention. Relationship names and linking fields are different between the two associations, so there should be no conflict; I only mention this as it could prove relevant. The relationship is expressed as has_many :coupons
and belongs_to :brand
When I display Brand.first.loyalty_coupon
, I get "nil" (that's okay because I haven't assigned one yet). When I attempt to assign a loyalty_coupon with the command Brand.first.loyalty_coupon = Coupon.first
, I get the error message:
undefined method `match' for #<Class:0x104036d30>
with a partial traceback as follows:
activerecord (3.0.1) lib/active_record/base.rb:1016:in `method_missing'
activerecord (3.0.1) lib/active_record/base.rb:1180:in `compute_type'
activerecord (3.0.1) lib/active_record/reflection.rb:162:in `send'
activerecord (3.0.1) lib/active_record/reflection.rb:162:in `klass'
activerecord (3.0.1) lib/active_record/reflection.rb:173:in `build_association'
Same error message if I do Brand.first.build_loyalty_coupon
(not surprising since it's doing the same thing). I had no :has_one in the Coupon model, but I also tried that with :class_name and :foreign_key specified, and got the same error and traceback when I tried Coupon.first.brand_loyalty
. I imagine that I'm missing something stupid, but I can't see what it is.