I've got a sampler2DShadow in my shader and I want to use it to implement shadow mapping. My shadow texture has the good initializers, with GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE set to GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE and GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC set to GL_LEQUAL (meaning that the comparison should return 1 if the r value of my coordinates are less or equal to the depth value fetched in the texture). This texture is bound to the GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT of a FBO rendered in light space coordinates.
What coordinates should I give the texture2D function in my final fragment shader? I currently have a
smooth in vec4 light_vert_pos
set in my fragment shader that is defined in the vertex shader by the function
light_vert_pos = light_projection_camera_matrix*modelview*in_Vertex;
I would assume I could multiply my lighting by the value
but this does not seem to work. Since light_vert_pos is only in post projective coordinates (the matrix used to create it is the matrix I use to create the depth buffer in the FBO), should I manually clamp the 3 x/y/z variables to [0,1]?