
I've recently started getting a message from eclipse that some plugins can't run on JDK 1.8 and that the IDE needs JDK11 plus for those plugins to function.

eclipse message

so I installed JDK 11 changed the path, referenced it in -vm line in eclispe.ini, and changed the compliance in eclispe to JRE 11.

path and eclipse configuration

did the same with JDK 12,13 even referenced javaw. The final outcome was that eclipse would run when configured on JDK 1.8 but JDK 11 plus it caps the processor at 99% and the splash screen stays there forever.

eclipse capping

When I used eclipse 2021 it worked fine with JDK 13 the only problem is that my current eclipse_jEE has a lot of plugins and it would take me forever to reconfigure the whole thing especially now when I am working on my end of study project and I don't want to mess up the workspace like I did once. I want someone to help me out with this, please.

Not sure what you expect here: if eclipse 2021 works, then really: just spend the time to uplift your project, or stay on 1.8 and don't update your dependencies (after all, if you have no actual reason to update anything, and it's for a project that is going to get archived at the end of a course, why upgrade anything?)Mike 'Pomax' Kamermans
I need eclipse Wild Web Developer plugin for javascript since the web tools plugin does not support js code anymore. and Wild Web Developer needs JDK11 to function. Plus I have about 20 projects aside which contain, examples and work that I need to follow on.Louay Belgasmy
The current Eclipse 2021-06 comes with a built in Java that Eclipse itself uses. You can specify any version of Java for each project - it doesn't have to be the version of Java that Eclipse is running.greg-449