My workplace has an existing report set up in SSRS that contains a line chart. I want to know if/how I might be able to edit the colors for the major axis to highlight the Zero value as Blue. I am using Report Builder v.3.0
I suspect the background of the chart is an image, however I have not been able to find where the image is referenced or stored and the person who created the report no longer works for the company.
Initially I tried creating an additional series, this partially worked producing a line along the 0 scale line but only where there were values for the series, not the entire chart width.
Is there an expression I could write to color the 0 scale line as "Blue" and leave the remaining as Gainsboro?
I had also tried the following with no success: =IIf(Fields!Zscore.Value = "0", "Blue","Gainsboro")
I'm still quite a novice at SSRS, so any help is appreciated.
The below are some screenshots of the chart and the properties: