
I am trying to send message to teams channel using graph api. I am able to send the messages using my personal(user) tokens but not able to do it using an app which I have registered in Azure portal. My app also got access to protected apis from Microsft Teams. Attaching the screen shot of app permissions and code snippet on how I am getting tokens. app permissions Code snippet to get tokens

One thing I noticed, when I decoded the the tokens I am getting, that roles in tokens only shows application permissions("Teamwork.Migrate.All") and it doesn't show delegated permissions("ChannelMessage.Read.All","ChannelMessage.Send","Teamwork.Migrate.All").

Below are the error message I am getting.

  1. While doing get request to https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/teams/{teams_id}/channels/{channel_id}/messages
one of 'ChannelMessage.Read.All' or 'ChannelMessage.Read.Group' when using resont. Roles on the request 'Teamwork.Migrate.All' and resource specific consent g request ''", 'innerError': {'date': '2021-07-04T14:27:41', 'request-id': '8c1f-e345bf15da7b', 'client-request-id': '8c1fffc2-c94d-4d5b-a81d-e345bf15da7b'}}}
  1. While doing post request to https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/teams/{teams_id}/channels/{channel_id}/messages/{message-id}/replies {'error': {'code': 'Unauthorized', 'message': 'Unauthorized', 'innerError': {'d4:26:47', 'request-id': '44fe99be-1ed8-4505-a3e7-a88ce934e3f8', 'client-request8-4505-a3e7-a88ce934e3f8'}}}

1 Answers


You are currently using Get access without a user(Application permission). Application permissions are only supported for migration. Instead you should try delegated flow: Get access on behalf of a user. Please go though the documentation and you can try it using Postman or Fiddler.

You can also try Get started with Microsoft Graph and Python tutorial which shows fetching calendar information using Graph APIs.