
I have a Excel sheet that calculates distance, speed and bearing of a boat given a waypoint in degree, minutes and seconds (I use it to follow races and friends). The sheet supports up to 5000 points. I want to add a column with a hyperlink to www.windy.com to plot the points in windy website.

I already have a concatenated formula that create the hyperlink but I add every value by myself.

1st. =HIPERVINCULO(CONCATENAR("https://www.windy.com/distance/";U5;",";V5;";";U6;",";V6);"Windy")

2nd. =HIPERVINCULO(CONCATENAR("https://www.windy.com/distance/";U5;",";V5;";";U6;",";V6;";";U7;",";V7);"Windy")

3rd. =HIPERVINCULO(CONCATENAR("https://www.windy.com/distance/";U5;",";V5;";";U6;",";V6;";";U7;",";V7;";";U8;",";V8);"Windy")

4rd. =HIPERVINCULO(CONCATENAR("https://www.windy.com/distance/";U5;",";V5;";";U6;",";V6;";";U7;",";V7;";";U8;",";V8;";";U9;",";V9);"Windy") and so on

The link uses values in columns V and W because windy needs the values with decimal point instead decimal comma.

Here is the table

enter image description here

The problem that i'm facing is how to automaticaly/recursive add the points that are inserted. Now I add to the Concatenate/hyperlink formula the new point. But I would like to have a routine/algorithm to automatically do the concatenate in every row until the last one (row 5004).

Thanks a lot.

PS. If someone thinks that would like to have the excel sheet or find it usefull I can send a copy.

05.07.21 10:13

  Hi all, thanks Ron Rosenfeld and EEM for your answers. EEM the formula you gave me worked perfectly. Thanks a looot. I only had to do minor change. But now I'm facing a different problem. Sorry.

Problem now is the 255 chars hyperlink limit. After 15 iterations the formula doesn't work anymore and I only get #¡VALOR! #VALUE!.

I have been trying before asking again, but without luck. Seems to be a way to solve this "behaviour" with VBA but I can't figure out.

As Mr. Rosenfeld required more information, here are the formulas used.

Table: image with data

As you can see in column W there is a link with the growing formula I started with. The formula provided by EEM is in column AA.

DECIMAL LATITUDE ROWS L5:L5004 =IF(D5="","",IF(G5="S",(-1*(D5+E5/60+F5/3600)),(D5+E5/60+F5/3600)))

DECIMAL LONGITUDE ROWS M5:M5004 =IF(H5="","",IF(K5="W",(-1*(H5+I5/60+J5/3600)),(H5+I5/60+J5/3600)))

www.windy.com uses . as decimal separator instead ,

CHANGE Excel , to windy .

ROWS U5:U5004 =SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(L5,6),",",".")

ROWS V5:V5004 =SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(M5,7),",",".")

Formulas to create the hyperlink (A million thanks to EEM)

ROW AA5 = HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE( "https://www.windy.com/distance/", $X5, ",", $Y5 ),CONCATENATE( $X5, ",", $Y5 ) )

ROW AA6:AA5004 = IF(U6=0,"",HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE( "https://www.windy.com/distance/", AA5, ";", $X6, ",", $Y6 ), CONCATENATE( AA5, ";", $X6, ",", $Y6 ) ))

As said, after 14 iterations the hyperlink grows more than 255 characters.

www.windy.com format to create a route latitude, longitude;


Formulas used to calculate distance and bearing (just in case someone needs them)

DISTANCE =IF(L6="","",(6371*ACOS(COS(RADIANS(90-L5))*COS(RADIANS(90-L6))+SIN(RADIANS(90-L5))*SIN(RADIANS(90-L6))*COS(RADIANS(M5-M6))))*0.539956)


Thanks everybody for your time and knowledge.

13.07.21. NO LUCK. I have been incapable of doing it. But I opened the file in OPEN OFFICE and with a little bit of formatting it's working flawlessly.

It's annoying the 255 chars limit in Excel, but I'm not going to break my head any more.

Thanks a lot EEm.

I suggest you do this in Power Query or VBA. You can then create the string with the numbers formatted with dot rather than comma as decimal. Hard for me to tell exactly what you're doing with your formula since there are no column letters on your image; nor an example of what the output string should look like.Ron Rosenfeld

1 Answers


The formula proposed uses the friendly_name parameter of the HYPERLINK function to hold the accumulated concatenation of latitud and longitud of each row in order to be passed to the next row formula. To Show the word Windy in the cell format the cells with this Number Format: ;;;"Wendy"

  1. Enter this formula in [Y5]:
    CONCATENAR( "https://www.windy.com/distance/"; $U5; ","; $V5 );
    CONCATENAR( $U5; ","; $V5 ) )

  2. Enter this formula in [Y6]: = HIPERVINCULO(
    CONCATENAR( "https://www.windy.com/distance/"; Y5; ","; $U6; ","; $V6 );
    CONCATENAR( Y5; ","; $U6; ","; $V6 ) )

  3. Copy formula in [Y6] to [Y7:Y5004]

  4. Format range [Y5:Y5004] with NumberFormat: ;;;"Wendy"