I know this is a question that has been asked over and over but I'm attempting to implement permission based rather than role based authorization in an ASP.NET MVC application. So instead of just having high level roles like Manager, Admin, or User, I need to have permissions like ViewTask, AddTask, DeleteTask. I have read a ton of comments on this and it seems like the easiest solution is to just treat roles as permissions and define "roles" of ViewTask, AddTask, and DeleteTask.
Is such an approach really a good idea? Some of my concerns are that you could end up with over 100 roles depending on the size of the application which would then rule out the ability to do role caching in cookies and thus every call to User.IsInRole hits the database. If every action method is going to be decorated with [Authorize(Roles="XXXX")] am I going to see serious performance issues?
My other issue is that I still want to keep the concept of a role around so that an administrator can simply associate a user with a role that has a predefined set of permissions. Using the approach above my thought was to create a separate entity in my application named Group and that Group would be responsible for keeping track of the ASP.NET roles that are assigned to that Group. So, when a user is associated with a Group, I can retrieve the ASP.NET roles that need to be assigned to the user and add all the roles.
Has anyone implemented a system in such a way? Any opinions or thoughts on this approach would be appreciated.