I would like to find out the orders which contain one or more than one product: A, B, C.
the expected result is:
101 (explanation: product A, B, C)
103 (explanation: product A)
106 (explanation: product A, B)
107 (explanation: product B)
id | deleted_at |
101 | null |
102 | null |
103 | null |
104 | null |
105 | 5-5-2021 |
106 | null |
107 | null |
id | order_id | product |
1 | 101 | A |
2 | 101 | A |
3 | 101 | B |
4 | 101 | C |
5 | 102 | A |
6 | 102 | D |
7 | 103 | A |
8 | 104 | D |
9 | 105 | D |
10 | 105 | B |
11 | 106 | A |
12 | 106 | B |
13 | 107 | B |
14 | 107 | B |
15 | 107 | B |
I've tried to write the code like this but it still contains other irrelevant orders.
select Orders.id
from Orders left join Order_items on Orders.id=Order_items.order_id
where Orders.deleted_at is null
group by Orders.id
having count(distinct(case
when Order_items.product=A then 1
when Order_items.product=B then 1
when Order_items.product=C then 1 end)) between 1 and 3;