I am working on a PowerPivot report that has the following tables/relationships:
- SponsorId
- OfficeId
- Type
- Color
- Quantity
- SponsorId
- SponsorName
- ProjectName
- OfficeId
- Region
- Country
- Manager
- NumberEmployees
Relationships exist FactTable to each of the two dimension tables.
I wish to create a calculated measure that is the SUM(Quantity)/SUM(NumberEmployees) which represents the average number of items processed by number of employees.
I believe I am having the problem listed here at PowerPivotPro FAQ
When I create a pivot table that has an X-Axis of [Region] with [NumberEmployees] as the only value it always displays the sum of ALL [NumberEmployees] regardless of any slicer selection (in this case, I created a horizontal slicer of [SponsorName]).
I am new to DAX and have struggled to find a formula to meet my needs. Is there any solution to this problem?