I need this on Report Builder:
The detail row in my table contains a column with an expression:
=sum(Fields!one.Value) / sum(Fields!two.Value) I want to sum that column, but the results I get are not the sum of the ratios, but the ratio of the sums.
For example:
sum(Fields!one.Value) sum(Fields!two.Value) ratio
3 6 0.5
3 6 0.5
6 12 0.5
The last row is the total.
I want the bottom right corner value to be the sum of the values above it (i.e. 1.0), not the ratio of the values to the left of it. I've tried calculating the sum as:
sum( sum(Fields!one.Value) / sum(Fields!two.Value) ). I need the answer to be 1 (0.5 + 0.5). But that gives the 0.5
Anyone have any ideas?
I copy and paste this same question: Summing a column of expressions in SSRS because I have the same case, and the ideas they have do not work
=SUM(Sum(Fields!one.Value,"rowgroupname") / Sum(Fields!one.Value,"rowgroupname"))
is the correct way to do this as you other post you copies suggests. All you need to do is swap out therowgroupname
with the name of your row group (it might be"Details"
if you dont have any grouping. Then based on this sample, it will work. – Alan Schofield