I want to write two functions myself and apply these functions to nested data.
The task of the first function is to access the data of the nested data (name: GROSS), use the values as input, calculate with them and write them back in the same structure as the GROSS column. The result is to be stored in a new column (name TEST01).
The second function should subtract the values from TEST01 from GROSS.
My problem is that functions can only write back one value at a time (correct?) and for this reason I use a LIST as output. So it happens that I have a list in a list as result and not a tibble in a list as desired. How can I adjust the result?
Here is an example:
df <- as_tibble(matrix(c("A1000", 2016, 2016, 1000, 800, 200,
"A1000", 2016, 2017, 50, 100, -50, "A1000", 2016, 2018, 0, -40, 40,
"A1001", 2016, 2016, 500, 0, 500, "A1002", 2017, 2017, 2000,0, 2000,
"A1002", 2017, 2018, 0, -3000, -3000), nrow = 6, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(NULL, c("Contract", "Year", "AccoutingYear", "Income", "Costs", "Result"))))%>%
mutate(Contract = as.factor(Contract),
Income = as.numeric(Income),
Costs = as.numeric(Costs),
Result = as.numeric(Result)) %>%
nest(GROSS = c(AccoutingYear, Income, Costs, Result))
T_FUN <- function(df, Quota = 0.4, Provision = 0.2) {
AccoutingYear = df$AccoutingYear,
Income = as.numeric(df$Income * Quota),
Costs = as.numeric(df$Costs * Quota),
Provision = as.numeric(df$Income * Quota * Provision)))
df %>% mutate(TEST01 = map(.x = GROSS, Quota = 0.3, Provision = 0.25,.f = T_FUN))
For the second function I lack any idea for an approach.
Does anyone know of a possible solution? Many thanks in advance. Tobias