
I am facing an issue in implementing access controls in redshift.

I have 2 schemas:

  1. etl_load schema where customer table is created

  2. analytics_view schema where view v_cust referencing etl_load.customer is created.

I have created a user group analytics_user and granted read only access to analytics_view schema to execute select statements on v_cust view without giving any sort of access on etl_load schema.

One of the user from analytics_user group is trying to execute select statement on v_cust and getting error:

permission is denied for schema "etl_load", which is not in schema list in order form. You need to have access on schema "etl_load" also, as it must be getting referenced in the object from where you are trying to select

How can be grant access to users from analytics_user group to access objects in analytics_view schema without granting them access to query referenced objects in etl_load schema directly?

Thanks in advance!


1 Answers


Off-hand, I thought it was that the owner of the view had to have the necessary access privs on the objects used in the view.

For tables, this means usage on the schema, and select on the tables.