
How does one verify a text field with another list's column? I am currently populating a Drop down list with a datasource and then comparing the text field with items in the dropdown using javascript. Is there a better way?

The second problem I am having is how to trigger the Validate Function.

I am aware of two custom forms for adding data to a sharepoint list. One is created using The Dataview Webpart in Sharepoint Designer and the other is created using the List Form Webpart in Sharepoint Designer.

I have a DataFormWebPart I created using Sharepoint Designer Insert Dataview ->Insert Selected Fields as New Item Form. This gives Save and Cancel buttons at the end of the form. How do I intercept the Save button event?

I found one solution but it only works with the NewForm page that has OK Cancel Buttons. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/sharepoint/Control_validation.aspx


3 Answers


You'll have to use an event handler if you want to validate the state of multiple fields. You can use the ItemAdding/ItemUpdating events if you want to cancel an item which is being added/updated.

properties.Cancle = true; properties.ErrorMessage = "Your validation message.";




can you add query strings into the formula box for validation?

e.g. like this:


which validates against a national insurance number.

sharepoint says the column must = true, so could I enter something like

[column name] = ^[a-zA-Z]{2}[0-9]{6}[A-Za-z]{1}$

I think you are trying to build a tool like this one called SharePoint Form Validation.

If so, take a look at this blog: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepointtechnology/HA101054791033.aspx?pid=CH100650061033

Hope this helps!