
I am using pytorch.

If I have a matrix M of size (d1, d2) and a vector V of size d2, doing M*V gives me an output OUT of size (d1, d2), where each row of M has been multiplied by V.

I need to do the same thing batch-wise, where the matrix M is fixed and I have a batch of dB vectors.

In practice, given a tensor M of size (d1, d2) and a tensor V of size (dB, d2), I need to get as output OUT a tensor of size (dB, d1, d2), so that OUT[i] = M*V[i].

How can I efficiently get it with pytorch?


2 Answers


This simple trick works for the problem:

M.unsqueeze(0) * V.unsqueeze(1)

This does multiplications of tensors having shapes (1, d1, d2) and (dB, 1, d2) and you get the desired output having shape (dB, d1, d2).


You can use Einstein Notation to achieve this:

torch.einsum('ij,bj->bij', M, V)