
I am trying to customize the UI for the azure b2c login page. In the login form I want to change the value of the placeholder for the input field, and the text value of the Sign in button from "Sign in" to "Log in".

I have changed the values in the field tag labeled as "DisplayName" in the custom policies, but the input value of placeholders remains the same.

I have changed the button's text from the custom policies by updating the custom policy tag "DisplayName" from "Contoso" to "Test Button". How can I do the same for Login Form?

        <DisplayName>Email Address</DisplayName>
        <UserHelpText>Email address to use for signing in.</UserHelpText>

enter image description here


2 Answers


Microsoft give the option to customize the banner and and other text and alignment in portal itself but if you want to fully change the html login code itself. Follow this documentation for the your customized html :

1. Create your html page and store in azure blob  storage 

2. Configure cors 

3. Update user flow

4. Test user flow

5. Change the banner and logo images



You might want to take a look at the Localization part of the docs:


Lozalization allows you to set your own content versions for various locales - both ClaimType (like email) and other UI elements, like buttons - those are changed by using a proper string ID. You will find the list of string IDs of your interest in docs as well:


If you don't plan to use more than one localization you may also use Metadata entries for respective technical profile, like this:

   <Item Key="language.button_signin">Log in</Item>