I want to create an instance in openstack with a pre-defined network interface attached only. I have access to openstack, I know the network interface id/name.
Post creation of an instance I can simply attach the interface. This way it will get a randomly assigned IP from the pool and afterwards get the network interface attached. That's not what I want.
As stated in the beginning I want to attach the interface while I build the instance.
Edit - Example code:
Host Creation:
resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "example_host" {
count = 1
name = example-host
image_name = var.centos_7_name
flavor_id = "2"
key_pair = "key"
Interface attaching:
resource "openstack_compute_interface_attach_v2" "example_interface_attach" {
instance_id = openstack_compute_instance_v2.example_host[0].id
port_id = "bd858b4c-d6de-4739-b125-314f1e7041ed"
This won't work. Terraform returns an error:
Error: Error creating OpenStack server: Expected HTTP response code [] when accessing [POST servers], but got 409 instead {"conflictingRequest": {"message": "Multiple possible networks found, use a Network ID to be more specific.", "code": 409}}
Back to my initial query: I want to deploy a new host and attach a network interface. The result should be a host with only one IP-Address, the one I've attached to it.