I am using MQTT V5 in my project and I have a business requirement as follows:
“Publisher shall receive acknowledgment from the subscribers confirming that they have successfully received the publisher’s message”.
Notice that this IS NOT AT ALL the same requirement satisfied by the MQTT request/response pattern introduced in MQTT V5. My publisher DOES NOT need a traditional proper response with data in it. My publisher only needs a receipt acknowledgment to know that its message was received by the subscribers. That’s it, the lighter the communication packets are the better it is for me.
I read the following article: https://www.emqx.io/blog/introduction-to-mqtt-qos
which includes the following sequence diagram for QoS 2:
I fully understand the acknowledgment sequence when there is only one subscriber as shown in the diagram.
My questions are:
In the case where there are multiple subscribers to the publisher’s topic, ALL of them with QoS 2 subscriptions:
1 - will my publisher receive one PUBCOMP acknowledgment for each subscriber? In another words, will my publisher receive multiple PUBCOMP acks from the broker.
2 - or will the broker send only one PUBCOMP message to my publisher only after it has successfully received PUBCOMP acknowledgments from ALL subscribers? In another words, will the broker send only one PUBCOMP ack to my publisher only after it has successfully delivered the message to all subscribers?
Thanks in advance for you attention to this question.