I am trying to deploy a new project through Azure DevOpsPipelines and it shows is as queued for an hour (normally it starts right away or within minutes).
It also says "This agent request is not running because you have reached the maximum number of requests that can run for parallelism type 'Microsoft-Hosted Private'. Current position in queue: 1"
I have also tried to run a pipeline for one of my existing projects and it has the same issue. Last time I successfully deployed for this projects 8 days ago.
I have seen that they have introduced new rules for free grants for Azure Pipelines for new organizations. I was wondering if these rules are applied to all organizations (including old ones)?
I have sent the email as they requested I am just wondering if they have just taken the free access to Azure pipelines from everyone?
I am also quite new to Azure DevOps so I am wondering if this is a regular thing that Azure services just stop working?
thanks everyone!
Update: here is my parallel jobs screenshot
Update: my Azure Pipelines