I have a question regarding Power Query and Tables as parameters for excel.
Right now I can create a table and use it as a parameter for Power query via Drill down.
But I'm unsure how i would proceed with a Table that has multiple values. How can a table be recognized with multiple "values" as a parameter
For example:
I have the following rawdata and parameter tables
Now if I wanted to filter after Value2 with a parameter tables I would do a drill down of the parameter tables and load them to excel.
After that I have two tables that I can filter Value2 with an OR Function by 1 and 2
Is it possible to somehow combine this into 1 Table and that it still uses an OR Function to search Value2
Im asking because I want it to be potentially possible to just add more and more parameters into the table without creating a new table everytime. Basically just copy paste some parameters into the parameter table and be done with it
Thanks for any help in advance