I have a camera with a RTSP stream (Example: rtsp://admin:password@ip:554/Streaming/Channels/101), now I want to stream it using HTML5 without any plugin.
I tried some solutions using http-flv protocol:
1.Nginx-http-flv-module + FFmpeg + flv.js
2.Nodejs + FFmpeg + flv.js
ffmpeg command: rtsp://admin:password@ip:554/Streaming/Channels/101-vcodec copy -an -f flv -s 800x600 rtmp://localhost:1935/myapp/test
The problem is that latency is high bettween 5s-8s, if there is any solution to reduce latency between 1s-2s.
PS:flv.js is an HTML5 Flash Video (FLV) Player written in pure JavaScript without Flash. flv.js