
I had added the Axis2_Codegen_Wizard_1.3.0,Axis2_Service_Archiver_1.3.0 to eclipse plugin. On clicking finish button, after I go through all the steps which include specifying wsdl file path and output path, I a pop up with following error.

An error occurred while completing the process


Any idea ? Thanks -Aj

Here is an update. I used the 'eclipse - console' from my command prompt and the error it shows is java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: edu\emory\mathcs\backport\java\util\concurrent\ConcurrentHashMap I am using the backport-util-concurrent-3.1-osgi. jar,backport-util-concurrent-3.1. jar in the library. Even then am getting this error. When I searched through the path given above(in the above mentioned jars), the ConcurrentHashMap.class does exist. No idea why the error is caused.Anuj Balan

1 Answers


Well, the problem was solved on upgrading to Eclipse IDE 3.6.