
I'm trying to send a POST request via Postman to the action CreateOpportunitySalesOrder in the Default Opportunity endpoint in acumatica. But no Sales Order is created. The body of the request is:

        "OpportunityID": {"value":"OP000376"}

And I receive the 202 in the response and in the GET after the request, the 204 response code. But no sales order is created.

I tried with Acumatica 20 R1 and 20 R2 but is the same result.

In UI, I can create the Sales Order and redirects to the SO301000 screen but the order is created until press save.

What I'm I missing on the request? Is it possible to invoke CreateOpportunitySalesOrder through the endpoint via REST api?

Anhy, can you post the cURL statement from the postman script you are using so I can have a look at this and see if I can help you?Robert Waite
@Anhy, this is a bug inside Acumatica ERP related to the IsContractBasedAPI flag of the graph. I would suggest you create a new action that will invoke the same functions but in the end, catch the exception and run the save instead.Samvel Petrosov

1 Answers


An update Samvel Petrosov is right, is a bug in the graph but creating the Graph Extension with the new Action will be something like this:

     public class OpportunityMaint_Extension : PXGraphExtension<OpportunityMaint>
#region Event Handlers
public delegate void DoCreateSalesOrderDelegate(CreateSalesOrderFilter param);
public void DoCreateSalesOrder(CreateSalesOrderFilter param, DoCreateSalesOrderDelegate baseMethod)
catch(PXRedirectRequiredException ex)
var graphSO = ex.Graph as SOOrderEntry;


With this action is created the SO in UI and REST API request.