
Summary tab contains project name which is the name for remaining tab names in my google sheets as follows:


There may be up to 20 TabName defined but this is not necessary. All project name tabs has the same format - 1 row contains the weekly start dates and column 1 has the resource names. The following is what the project name tabs would look like -

Project1 tab

Person 1-Mar-2021 8-Mar-2021 15-Mar-2021 22-Mar-2021 29-Mar-2021 5-Apr-2021
John 2 2 4 5 5 5
Jane 1 1 1 1
Abe 5 5

Project2 begins at a different Start Week from Project1 and Project3.

Project2 tab

Person 4-Jan-2021 11-Jan-2021 18-Jan-2021 25-Jan-2021 1-Feb-2021 8-Feb-2021 15-Feb-2021
Joe 2 2 4 5 5 5
Mary 1 1 1 1
Abe 5 5

Project3 begins at a different Start Week from Project1 and Project2.

Project3 tab

Person 8-Feb-2021 15-Feb-2021 22-Feb-2021 1-Mar-2021 8-Mar-2021 15-Mar-2021 22-Mar-2021 29-Mar-2021
Joe 2 2 4 5 5 5
Mary 1 1 1 1
John 5 5
Marg 3 3 3

Note, the start week in Row1Col2 may not be the same date for all projects. For example, Project1 starts on Mar 1 while Project2 starts on Jan 4. Also, not all resources are across all projects (e.g. Jane and Marg are only in one project).

In the summary tab, it should show the concatenation of all projects by resource and week as follows -

Resource Weekly tab

Person 4-Jan-2021 11-Jan-2021 18-Jan-2021 25-Jan-2021 1-Feb-2021 8-Feb-2021 15-Feb-2021 22-Feb-2021 1-Mar-2021 8-Mar-2021 15-Mar-2021 22-Mar-2021 29-Mar-2021 5-Apr-2021
John Project3 (5) Project1 (2) Project1 (2) Project3 (5) Project1 (4) Project1 (5) Project1 (5) Project1 (5)
Jane Project1 (1) Project1 (1) Project1 (1)
Joe Project2 (2) Project2 (2) Project2 (4) Project2 (5) Project2 (5) Project2 (5) Project3 (2) Project3 (2) Project3 (4) Project3 (5) Project3 (5) Project3 (5) Project3 (5)
Abe Project2 (5) Project2 (5) Project1 (5) Project1 (5)
Mary Project2 (1) Project2 (1) Project2 (1) Project2 (1) Project3 (1) Project3 (1) Project3 (1) Project3 (1)
Marg Project3 (3) Project3 (3) Project3 (3)

Column 1, which contains the resource name and row 1 with the start dates are fixed (i.e. no calculation required). Also, where a resource has more than one projects, the concatenated projects are separated by a line return.

I would also like that the concatenation calculation does not perform if the Start Week does not have a date OR if there is no resource name defined for that row. The Summary tab will identify the number of project tabs that exists where the concatenation calculation needs to look for data.

I do have the Resource Weekly tab working using a very long SUMPRODUCT and INDIRECT. However, the google sheet is now running much slower when I added this Resource Weekly sheet.

Is there a way to do this using app script?

In order to correctly understand about your current situation, can you provide the sample Spreadsheet?Tanaike
Thank you for adding more information. I could see your sample Spreadsheet. In order to confirm your goal, can you add the output situation you expect using your sample Spreadsheet? Because I'm not sure whether I could correctly understand about the logic for achieving your goal. This is due to my poor English skill. I apologize for this.Tanaike
The link is the file along with the SUMPRODUCT and INDIRECT formula contained in the Weekly tab. This is a much shorter and simpler version of the actual formula. For example, the project files would contain an additional column that denotes Y for remote work. I would separate this as 2 separate lines with a notation at the beginning. For example if Joe on Feb 8 working on Project2, if his 5 days on Project 2 was 3 days remote and 2 days onsite, the expected result would be Project2 (2) new line R Project2 (3) new line Project3 (2).Joyce Brown
The expected results can be seen there with the formula calculation. I would like to convert this repetitive formula to an app script so that my spreadsheet runs faster. It is at least 20 times slower than it used to be ie. a sec and now 20 to 30 secs.Joyce Brown

1 Answers


I believe your goal as follows.

  • You want to achieve the following situation using Google Apps Script. (The following result is from my sample script.)

    • From

      enter image description here

    • To

      enter image description here

In this case, I would like to propose the following flow.

  1. Retrieve sheet names from "Summary" sheet.
  2. Retrieve values from each project sheet and create an object for creating result values.
  3. Create an result values for putting to "Weekly" sheet.
  4. Put the result values to "Weekly" sheet.

When above flow is reflected to a script, it becomes as follows.

Sample script:

function myFunction() {
  // 1. Retrieve sheet names from "Summary" sheet.
  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  const summarySheet = ss.getSheetByName("Summary");
  const sheetNames = summarySheet.getRange("A2:A" + summarySheet.getLastRow()).getValues();

  // 2. Retrieve values from each project sheet and create an object for creating result values.
  const obj = sheetNames.reduce((o, s) => {
    const [[, ...header], ...values] = ss.getSheetByName(s).getDataRange().getValues();
    header.forEach((h, i) => {
      const k = h.toISOString();
      if (o[k]) {
        values.forEach(v => {
          if (v[i + 1].toString() != "") o[k][v[0]] = (o[k][v[0]] ? `${o[k][v[0]]}\n` : "") + `${s} (${Number(v[i + 1])})`;
      } else {
        o[k] = values.reduce((o2, v) => {
          if (v[i + 1].toString() != "") o2[v[0]] = `${s} (${Number(v[i + 1])})`;
          return o2;
        }, {});
    return o;
  }, {});

  // 3. Create an result values for putting to "Weekly" sheet.
  const weeklySheet = ss.getSheetByName("Weekly");
  const [[, ...header], ...values] = weeklySheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  const tempValues = header.reduce((ar, h) => {
    const k = h.toISOString();
    const temp = [];
    if (obj[k]) {
      values.forEach(([v]) => temp.push(obj[k][v] || ""));
    return ar;
  }, []);
  const res = tempValues[0].map((_, j) => tempValues.map(row => row[j]));

  // 4. Put the result values to "Weekly" sheet.
  weeklySheet.getRange(2, 2, res.length, res[0].length).setValues(res);
  • When this sample script is used for your sample Spreadsheet, the result I showed in above images can be obtained.


  • When I saw your updated sample Spreadsheet including the result sheet you expect, I noticed that the 1st row of "Weekly" sheet is empty. When I saw your sample Spreadsheet for the 1st time before you updated, the 1st row of "Weekly" sheet was the header row. So I'm confusing this. In this sample script, I prepared it as the situation that the 1st row of "Weekly" sheet is the header row. Please be careful this.
  • And also, this sample script is for your sample Spreadsheet. So, if the structure of each sheet of your actual situation is different from your sample Spreadsheet, the script might not be able to be used. Please be careful this.
    • So, please test the sample script using your sample Spreadsheet.



It seems that in your sample Spreadsheet, there are 2 kinds of Spreadsheets.

  • One is that the 1st row of "Weekly" sheet is NOT empty.
  • Another is that the 1st row of "Weekly" sheet is empty.

By this, I'm confusing about your situation. My above sample script is for the former situation. For example, when your current situation is changed to the latter situation, please modify above script as follows.


  const [[, ...header], ...values] = weeklySheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  const tempValues = header.reduce((ar, h) => {
    const k = h.toISOString();
    const temp = [];
    if (obj[k]) {
      values.forEach(([v]) => temp.push(obj[k][v] || ""));
    return ar;
  }, []);
  const res = tempValues[0].map((_, j) => tempValues.map(row => row[j]));

  // 4. Put the result values to "Weekly" sheet.
  weeklySheet.getRange(2, 2, res.length, res[0].length).setValues(res);


  const [,[, ...header], ...values] = weeklySheet.getDataRange().getValues();  // Modified
  const tempValues = header.reduce((ar, h) => {
    const k = h.toISOString();
    const temp = [];
    if (obj[k]) {
      values.forEach(([v]) => temp.push(obj[k][v] || ""));
    return ar;
  }, []);
  const res = tempValues[0].map((_, j) => tempValues.map(row => row[j]));

  // 4. Put the result values to "Weekly" sheet.
  weeklySheet.getRange(3, 2, res.length, res[0].length).setValues(res);  // Modified