Using azcopy to copy files into Azure Storage Container with "Blob Service SAS URL" Shared Access Signature
Used to work couple of days back, not it stopped working. I have generated the SAS URL multiple times with proper start and end time.
Azure Version : 10.8.0
RESPONSE Status: 401 Server failed to authenticate the request. Please refer to the information in the www-authenticate header. Content-Length: [302] Content-Type: [application/xml] Date: [Wed, 17 Feb 2021 23:44:32 GMT] Server: [Windows-Azure-Blob/1.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0] User-Agent: [AzCopy/10.8.0 Azure-Storage/0.10 (go1.13; linux)] Www-Authenticate: [Bearer authorization_uri=
resource_id=] X-Ms-Client-Request-Id: [xxxxx] X-Ms-Error-Code: [NoAuthenticationInformation] X-Ms-Request-Id: [786b67cc-f01e-004d-1386-052f12000000] X-Ms-Version: [2019-12-12]
Can someone please provide any workarounds?