For the purpose of migrating a very small business web application from on-premise to Azure PAAS service environment, We have identified the below tentative solution..
- Use Azure Storage Account to Host the front end (Angular SPA).
- Use App Service Plan to run the Back-End Spring Boot Application.
- Use Application Gateway V2 (with WAF) as public end point which will re-route traffic to both Storage account and App Service (SSL will be hosted in Gateway as it is the public endpoint)
- Use Azure SQL Server as database.
- Use VPN gateway Site to Site connection from Azure service to on-premise for out going SFTP file transfer.(very small in size).
But it seems App Service Plan will not be placed within the Application VNET, and hence a VNET integration from Azure service to Application VNET is first required to enable the VPN connectivity. Ours is a very small application with no HA or other multi zone/region requirements, hence using dedicated ASE (Azure Service Environment) is not feasible for us. Since the communication with App Service is not going to be local to application VNET, we are trying to under stand the concept of term 'Out bound data transfer (specifically which are charged and not)' in Azure networking, with respect to the above PAAS services.
- Does the traffic from Application Gateway (in Application VNET) to Azure Service (Plan) are considered outbound data transfer?
- If there a VNET integration is in place from Azure Service to application VNET, does the traffic going out of Azure service to application VNET is considered outbound data transfer?