
I have a jqGrid with a subGrid. When I click on a row of the subGrid, the same row on the main grid becomes selected. I really don't know the reason.

I have Jquery 1.4.3 jquery-ui 1.8.13 jqGrid 4.1.1

here is the code:

  url:'/datasnap/rest/TMdsrl/CustomerTable/' + SessionData.SessionName,
  datatype: "json",
  mtype: 'GET',
  colNames:['', '@lang.company','@lang.address', '@lang.zipcode', '@lang.city',   '@lang.state', '@lang.vatid_code', '@lang.fiscal_code'],
    {name:'CUSTOMER_ID',index:'CUSTOMER_ID', width:0, hidden:true},
    {name:'COMPANY',index:'COMPANY', width:150},
    {name:'ADDRESS',index:'ADDRESS', width:150},
    {name:'ZIPCODE',index:'ZIPCODE', width:50},
    {name:'CITY',index:'CITY', width:100},
    {name:'STATE',index:'STATE', width:30},
    {name:'VATID_CODE',index:'VATID_CODE', width:90},
    {name:'FISCAL_CODE',index:'FISCAL_CODE', width:90}
  pager: '#customer_pager',
  sortname: 'COMPANY',
  sortorder: "asc",
  multiselect: false,
  height: 250,
  caption: "@lang.customer_title",
  subGrid: true,
  // define the icons in subgrid
  subGridOptions: {
      "plusicon"  : "ui-icon-triangle-1-e",
      "minusicon" : "ui-icon-triangle-1-s",
      "openicon"  : "ui-icon-arrowreturn-1-e"
  subGridRowExpanded: function(subgrid_id, row_number) {
      var subgrid_table_id, subpager_id;
      var sub_rowdata = $("#customer").jqGrid('getRowData', row_number);
      subgrid_table_id = subgrid_id+"_t";
      subpager_id = "p_"+subgrid_table_id;
      $("#"+subgrid_id).html("<table id='"+subgrid_table_id+"' class='scroll'></table>  <div id='"+subpager_id+"' class='scroll'></div>");
          url:'/datasnap/rest/TMdsrl/ContactForCustomerTable/' +   SessionData.SessionName + '/' + sub_rowdata.CUSTOMER_ID,
          datatype: 'json',
          mtype: 'GET',
          colNames: ['','@lang.fullname','@lang.email','@lang.phone','@lang.cellphone',   '@lang.newsletter'],
          colModel: [
              {name:'CONTACT_ID',index:'CONTACT_ID',width:0, hidden: true},
              {name:'FULLNAME',index:'LASTNAME', width:150},
              {name:'EMAIL',index:'EMAIL', width:150},
              {name:'PHONE',index:'PHONE', width:150},
          pager: subpager_id,
          sortname: 'FULLNAME',
          sortorder: 'asc',
          height: '100%'
      $("#"+subgrid_table_id).jqGrid('navGrid',"#"+subpager_id,  {edit:false,add:false,del:false,search:false})

Thank you for your help

SOLVED The problem was that rows of the main grid and rows of the subgrid had the same ID! I solved giving different ids for the subgrid in the JSON.

Please post your answer as an Answer and not as part of the question. Then, Please select it as the correct answer.Dementic

1 Answers


(Answered tersely by the OP and transcribed here as a community wiki answer. See Question with no answers, but issue solved in the comments (or extended in chat) )

The OP wrote:

The problem was that rows of the main grid and rows of the subgrid had the same ID! I solved giving different ids for the subgrid in the JSON.