
I'm doing an assignment, where I have to make Bison/Flex app that would append while/if case beginning at the end every case as a comment. I've managed to compile all the components together, but no matter what I do, it always throws an error after trying to parse the second token.

I'm using Windows versions of Bison and Flex (2.4.1 and 2.5.4a-1 respectively)

Here's my lex file commentAdder.l

#include "commentAdder.tab.h"

%option noyywrap

CASE ("while"|"if"|"switch")(" "|"")("(".+")")(" {"|"{")


{CLOSE} {yylval.s=yytext; return CLOSE;}
{CASE}  {yylval.s=yytext; return CASE;}
{CODE}  {yylval.s=yytext; return CODE;}


And my parser commentAdder.y

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define MAX_DEPTH 10

int yylex();
void yyerror( char* );
extern char* yytext;

/* Local variables */
char heldComments[MAX_DEPTH][MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH] = {};
int currentDepth=-1;
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
%union {
  char* s;

%token <s> CASE CLOSE CODE
%type <s> expr

%% /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

expr    : CLOSE      {$$ = strcat($1,(char *)strcat((char *)"//",heldComments[currentDepth])); 
                      printf("CLOSE: ",$1);
        | CASE       {$$=$1; currentDepth=currentDepth+1; strcpy(heldComments[currentDepth],$1); printf("CASE: ",$1);} 
        | CODE       {printf("CODE: ",$1);$$=$1;}

%% /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

void yyerror( char* s )
  fprintf(stderr,"Unexpected token: '%s'\n",yytext);

int main() {  
   return 0;

I'm guessing that expr has nowhere to go after the first parse leaving it with no room for further arguments, but I've no idea how to fix that since I'm a complete novice to this and tutorials are overcomplicated and scarce.


With help of Rici's I've fixed the issue by changing grammar section in parser to this:

 input  : expr {}
        | input expr
 expr   : CLOSE     {if(currentDepth>=0){
                         $$ = strcat($1,(char *)strcat((char *)"//",heldComments[currentDepth]));

Now I have a whole different problem where strcat for some reason causes app to end prematurely, presumably due to error of some kind.

Thanks, this could be it, but I'm not sure how to implement it without bison compiler flipping out. Am I doing this right? adder : expr | adder expr | CLOSE {$$ = str...Ozzzim
That's hard to read but it looks wrong. You can't drlete the definition of expr without a flood of error messages.rici
Right, I realised in the meantime you meant in those threads to literally append that code and not make an entirely new grammar to go alongside the original, which I didn't know was a thing. Now it does go through the entire input, but for some reason defaults to CODE after the first argument. Thanks again for your input.Ozzzim

1 Answers


As I stated in the update, I've fixed the main issue. As for the strcat problem, I had to use a additional char[] variable instead of working on raw char*'s