I have created 3 Oracle SQL tables with primary and foreign keys as specified in brackets below:
- Application (PK: app_id)
- Vendor (PK: vendor_id, FK :app_id referencing Application table)
- Servers (PK: server_id, FK :app_id referencing Application table)
My requirement is that when I click on a single application record in the report, it should open all the servers and vendors associated with it on a new page.
In the application page, I have added a new column in SQL query and set the link to redirect to server page. I have added a hidden field(P5_NEW) in the server page and tried writing the below SQL query. Should I modify the query?
select application.application_id,SERVER_ID,
where server.app_id=application.application_id and
Also, please note that I have created an interactive report which displays all server records when the server is selected on the left menu on the home page.
I am not getting the correct output/records with the method I'm trying. Please let me know if further info/clarification is required. Thanks in advance and your help is much appreciated.