I have a scenario where I need to do a secure request a Firebase Cloud Function from an external server using a HTTP request. In order to request it I need to send a bearer JWT token on the authorization header. After sometime looking at the Google documents to Firebase/GCP I've found many different ways to authenticate using google different APIs, but I'm kinda lost on it.
I know that I need to use a service account in order to identify the machine that is calling instead a common human-user credentials. I also know that the service account provides a JSON file that contains secure information to identify that service account, like the private key. By looking different docs I found this one that explains how to generate and request a token. After following those steps, I'm facing a 403 status when I try to call the cloud function using the resulting token.
I doubled checked the roles my service account has and I do have the ones the docs have pointed me.
Does anyone knows or have any suggestions how to proceed to have cloud function authorized calls by a machine (not human) interaction.
Edit 1:
As requested here I'm posting my JWT generator code:
const {
} = require('./serviceAccount.json');
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const payload = {
"kid": private_key_id,
"iss": client_email,
"sub": client_email,
"iat": 1611257400,
"exp": 1611260940,
"aud": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
"target_audience": "https://<project- region>.cloudfunctions.net/helloWorld"
const token = jwt.sign(payload, private_key, { algorithm: 'RS256', header: {"alg":"RS256","typ":"JWT"} });
With the result token from above I'm sending a POST request to https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token where the token is sent as the assertion field on a form data.
After suggestions here I did some research and found this blog with instructions to generate a Identity token using my service account. So I ran:
# Load the service account identity
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=key.json
# Generate an id token
gcloud auth print-identity-token
The resulting token gave me the same result a 403 - Forbidden error. The interesting part is that using my user credentials and using gcloud to generate an identity token I was able to request the Cloud function with a 200 result.
I'm thinking that I'm missing some sort of role/privilege/scope on my service account configuration.
Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>
? – John Hanley