I'm having an issue when using azure search for the following example data set: abc-123-456, abc-123-457, abc-123-458, etc When making the search for abc-123-456, I'd expected to only return one results but instead getting all results containing abc-123-... Is there some setting or way to change this behavior?
Current search settings:
TheSearchIndex.TokenFilters.Add(new EdgeNGramTokenFilter("frontEdgeNGram")
Side = EdgeNGramTokenFilterSide.Front,
MinGram = 3,
MaxGram = 20
TheSearchIndex.Analyzers.Add(new CustomAnalyzer("FrontEdgeNGram", LexicalTokenizerName.Whitespace)
TokenFilters =
new TokenFilterName("frontEdgeNGram"),
SearchOptions UsersSearchOptions = new SearchOptions
QueryType = SearchQueryType.Simple,
SearchMode = SearchMode.All,
Using azure.search.documents ver 11.1.1
Edit: Search with abc-123-456* with the asterisk gives me the one result as expected. How to get this behavior working as default?
Just to add to this..
The portal version is 2020-06-30 The sdk version we use is azure.search.documents ver 11.1.1
- abc-123-456 does NOT work as expected
- "abc-123-456" does NOT work as expected
- "abc-123-456"* does NOT work
- "abc-123-456*" does NOT work
If we append an asterisks to the end of the search text and it is not within a phrase .. it works as expected. IE: abc-123-456* works as expected. (abc-123-456* | abc-123-457* ) works as expected.
Why is the asterisks required? How can we make this work within a phrase?