When using only attribute routing in an ASP.NET Core 5.0 app, for example, with the following in Startup
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
A controller class with a single public method that has no route attribute will still be matched to a GET
request that otherwise matches that controller.
For example GET api/test
will match the Index
method below (it doesn't matter what the method is called) even though the method doesn't have a route attribute:
public class TestController
public IActionResult Index()
return Ok();
If, however, another public method is added to that controller class, also without an attribute, an AmbiguousMatchException
is thrown for GET api/test
because routing can't otherwise figure out which method to use.
If a [HttpGet]
attribute is added to one of those methods, the issue is resolved.
I understand that one solution is to just ensure that all methods have appropriate route attributes, or that only one method on the controller is public.
Is there a way to prevent this default/fallback behaviour where methods that don't have explicit attributes are still matched?
Can attribute routing be configured to only match methods that have explicit routing attributes on them?
call in aStartup.Configure
method. Something like this – vasily.sib